  * Disable predictable network interface names for Ethernet devices
  * Bug fix for keyboard settings dialog in Raspberry Pi Configuration
  * Bug fix for crash on some videos and animations in Chromium
  * Bug fix for taskbar crash when running RealVNC server
  * Bug fix for reloading projects with extensions in Scratch 2
  * Bug fix for MAC address problem in Bluetooth
  * Simple mode and new icons in Thonny
  * New Japanese translations in Raspberry Pi Configuration
  * Install fonts-droid-fallback for international fonts
  * Based on Raspbian Stretch (Debian version 9)
  * Version 60 of Chromium browser included
  * Version 3.0.1 of Sonic Pi included
  * Version 6.1.1 of RealVNC included
  * Version 0.17.4 of NodeRED included
  * Bluetooth audio routed via ALSA rather than Pulseaudio
  * SenseHAT extension added to Scratch 2
  * Various desktop applications modified to prompt for sudo password if needed
  * lxinput control options for mouse speed simplified
  * lxpanel plugins moved into separate packages
  * Wireless firmware for Pi 3 and Pi 0W modified to address Broadpwn exploit
  * Latest kernel and firmware
  * Various small tweaks, bug fixes and theme modifications
  * New kernel and firmware
  * Filesystem created without the metadata_csum feature
  * Scratch 2 application included
  * Thonny Python IDE included
  * New icons with thinner outlines
  * Volume control more linear in behaviour
  * Updated Flash player
  * Updated RealVNC server and viewer
  * Various tweaks and bugfixes
  * New kernel and firmware
  * Wolfram Mathematica updated to version 11.0.1
  * Adobe Flash Player updated to version
  * Use PARTUUID to support USB boot
  * Updated kernel and firmware (final Pi Zero W support)
  * Wolfram Mathematica updated to version 11
  * NOOBS installs now checks for presence of 'ssh' file on the NOOBS partition.
  * Chromium browser updated to version 56
  * Adobe Flash Player updated to version
  * RealVNC Server and Viewer updated to version 6.0.2 (RealVNC Connect)
  * Sonic Pi updated to version 2.11
  * Node-RED updated to version 0.15.3
  * Scratch updated to version 120117
  * Detection of SSH enabled with default password moved into PAM
  * Updated desktop GL driver to support use of fake KMS option
  * Raspberry Pi Configuration and raspi-config allow setting of fixed HDMI resolution
  * raspi-config allows enabling of serial hardware independent of serial terminal
  * Updates to kernel and firmware
  * Various minor bug fixes and usability and appearance tweaks
  * Re-release of the 2016-11-25 image with a FAT32-formatted boot partition
  * SSH disabled by default; can be enabled by creating a file with name "ssh" in boot partition
  * Prompt for password change at boot when SSH enabled with default password unchanged
  * Adobe Flash Player included
  * Updates to hardware video acceleration in Chromium browser
  * Greeter now uses background image from last set in Appearance Settings rather than pi user
  * Updated version of Scratch
  * Rastrack option removed from raspi-config and Raspberry Pi Configuration
  * Ability to disable graphical boot splash screen added to raspi-config and Raspberry Pi Configuration
  * Appearance Settings dialog made tabbed to work better on small screens
  * Raspberry Pi Configuration now requires current password to change password
  * Various small bug fixes
  * Updated firmware and kernel
  * New PIXEL desktop environment - new icon set, window design, desktop images, splash screen and greeter
  * Chromium web browser included
  * Infinality font rendering patches included
  * RealVNC server and viewer included
  * SenseHAT emulator included
  * Rfkill entries added to Wifi and Bluetooth panel plugins
  * Updates to various standard applications, including Scratch and NodeRED
  * Various bug fixes, tweaks and translation updates
  * Updated firmware and kernel (https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/commit/ad8608c08b122b2c228dba0ff5070d6e9519faf5)
  * Fixed crash of lxpanel when D-bus not accessible
  * Fixed permissions for D-bus Bluetooth access
  * Removed sudo from shutdown options
  * Appearance of tooltips updated in theme
  * Fixed ejecter plugin grabbing focus
  * raspi-config command line and GUI apps tidied; unnecessary reboots removed
  * More error detection in piclone; copying of volume names and IDs added
  * Updated translation files
  * New version of Scratch, which no longer requires sudo
  * New version of BlueJ
  * New version of NodeRED
  * New version of pypy
  * pigpio included
  * geany editor included
  * SD Card Copier added (can be used to duplicate or back up the Pi)
  * Bluetooth plugin added to taskbar
  * Volume control on taskbar now compatible with Bluetooth devices
  * New shutdown helper application
  * Mouse double-click speed setting added to mouse and keyboard preference application
  * Option to enable / disable 1-wire interface and remote access to pigpio added to Raspberry Pi config application
  * File system automatically expanded on first boot
  * Empty Wastebasket option added to right-click menu 
  * Ctrl-Alt-T can be used to open a terminal window
  * Various small bug fixes and appearance tweaks 
  * Updated firmware and kernel (https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/commit/cc6d7bf8b4c03a2a660ff9fdf4083fc165620866)
  * updated firmware and kernel (https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/commit/951799bbcd795ddf27769d14acf4813fdcbe53dc)
  * use serial0 in cmdline.txt
  * wpa_supplicant.conf country default to GB (allows use of channels 12 and 13)
  * Support added for Pi 3, including Wifi and Bluetooth
  * Option to set wifi country code added to raspi-config
  * dtb that uses mmc sdcard driver (fixes problems experienced with certain SD cards)
  * new version of Sonic Pi (2.9)
  * new version of Scratch (15/1/16)
  * new version of Node-Red (2.5)
  * new version of Wolfram (10.3)
  * optional experimental GL desktop driver (can be enabled using advanced options in command-line raspi-config)
  * new version of Java (1.8.0_65)
  * new version of WiringPi
  * raspi-gpio included
  * ping no longer requires sudo (except NOOBS installs)
  * support for more USB audio devices in lxpanel
  * bug fix for creation of new menus in Alacarte
  * various changes to raspi-config and GUI to tidy up board support and fix bugs, and updated translations
  * small tweaks to theme to support GL driver
  * Included IBM Node-RED IoT application
  * Included graphical package manager
  * Included accelerated pixman library
  * Updated Epiphany browser to improve video compatibility
  * Updated Scratch with performance improvements and bug fixes
  * Updated Raspberry Pi configuration to allow boot to pause while
    network is established
  * Various minor bug fixes
  * Based on Debian Jessie
  * Upgraded applications - Epiphany browser, Scratch and Sonic Pi
  * Included applications - LibreOffice, Claws Mail, Greenfoot, BlueJ
  * Included utilities - Alacarte menu editor, Lxkeymap, scrot, tree, pip
  * New GUI-based Raspberry Pi Configuration application
  * GPIO control now possible without need for sudo
  * Web link to Magpi magazine included
  * New taskbar plugin to eject mounted USB drives
  * Default boot is now to GUI not desktop
  * Look and feel now based on GTK+3 default theme
  * Print screen key launches scrot to produce screenshot
  * Common keyboards autodetected by GUI and drivers loaded accordingly
  * Numerous small tweaks and bugfixes
  * Updated UI changes
  * Updated firmware
  * Install raspberrypi-net-mods
  * Install avahi-daemon
  * Add user pi to new i2c and spi groups
  * Modified udev rules for i2c and spi devices
  * Newer firmware with various fixes
  * New Sonic Pi release
  * Pi2 compatible RPi.GPIO
  * Updated Wolfram Mathematica
  * Support for Pi2
  * Newer firmware
  * New Sonic Pi release
  * Updated Scratch
  * New Wolfram Mathematica release
  * Updated Epiphany
  * Fix regression with omission of python-pygame
  * New firmware with variosu fixes and improvements
  * New UI configuration for lxde
  * Various package updates
  * python3-pygame preinstalled
  * 'nuscratch', scratch running on the Cog StackVM
  * Misc other changes
  * New firmware with various fixes and improvements
  * Minecraft Pi pre-installed
  * Sonic Pi upgraded to 2.0
  * Include Epiphany browser work from Collabora
  * Switch to Java 8 from Java 7
  * Updated Mathematica
  * Misc minor configuration changes
  * New firmware with various fixes, and kernel bugfix
  * Many, many firmware updates with major USB improvements
  * pyserial installed by default
  * picamera installed by default
  * Firmware updated
  * Some space saved on the root filesystem
  * Firmware updated, includes V4L2 fixes
  * Update omxplayer
  * Firmware updated and now using kernel 3.10. Many, many improvements
  * fbturbo XOrg driver is now included and enabled by default. Thanks to 
    ssvb https://github.com/ssvb/xf86-video-fbturbo
  * Update Scratch image with further bug fixes
  * Include Wolfram Mathematica
  * Update to PyPy 2.2
  * Update omxplayer
  * Include v4l-utils for use with experimental V4L2 Raspberry Pi camera driver
  * Update squeak-vm to fix issues with loading JPEGs
  * Update Scratch image for further performance improvements
  * Include Oracle JDK
  * At least a 4GiB SD card is now required (see above)
  * Include PyPy 2.1
  * Include base piface packages
  * Update raspi-config to include bugfix for inheriting language settings
    from NOOBS
  * Updated to current top of tree firmware
  * Update squeak-vm, including fastblit optimised for the Raspbery Pi 
  * Include Sonic Pi and a fixed jackd2 package
  * Support boot to Scratch
  * Inherit keyboard and language settings from NOOBS